Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Okay Okay, I'm finally writing...

Well, the much awaited pics of our trip to Kelowna have finally arrived- I tell you, my practicum has just exhausted me and I've been so busy with everything around the house and all sorts of stuff- plus one of my good friends had a baby a couple weeks ago- and we went camping for May long. Anyways, here are some updates....
Grrr, okay, so i can't put up the pics cuz somethings wrong with the blogger connection right now. hmmmm.
sorry. more later I guess.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Wow, I've been REALLY bad at posting lately.
I started my practicum a couple weeks ago, and that has kept me quite busy. I'm working in Hemodialysis (Machines that do the work of the kidneys for those whose don't work). Lots of fun. I'm still a technological moron and can't get my pics onto the comp, so the one from kelowna will still have to wait. Thanks for the patience. Hope all is well with everyone!