Tuesday, April 3, 2007

For your viewing pleasure

Lisa and Carson (Chris's sister)
Lisa and Carson's girls-Colleen (sister-in-law), Me,Danika (Carson's sister) and Shannon (Lisa's Cousin).
My youngest sister Holly and my daddy.
Kara, my oldest sister and Nolan
Holly and Tim's wedding.

Daryl (Chris's brother) and Colleen's wedding in Victoria...(those are Mercedes Benz- like $100,000 + cars- I got to drive one!!)
Chris and I at Daryl and Colleen's Wedding.

Well, i must say, that i just love looking at everyones blog photos, but i always get disappointed because i wish there were more. But then i realized that i have only about 3 pictures on mine, so I figured I should put up some more. Enjoy!!! Just some random favorites from our siblings weddings...



afterthoughtcomposer said...

i noticed you don't have any pictures up from MY wedding.

Erin said...

Hey Lizann...

I finally made it to your blog :) And I agree with you...it's fun to look at the pictures people are posting. I'm terrible at keeping my postings regular though...maybe I'll go post something new :)

Naomi said...

Time flies by! I had no idea that Daryl was married and no idea that Holly was married, in my mind Holly is still a young teenager. Crazy! I would love to see more pictures and hear about where all you family is at.


afterthoughtcomposer said...

ya that sounds like a great idea :) except I seem to be rupulsing the men on my own thanks. hahaa.