Sunday, April 1, 2007

That darn cat!

Hello friends,

Well, Colleen (my sister in law) and I began our own "grow ops" a few weeks ago- we both have herbs (parsley, oregano, basil...) and various flowers growing in the little black containers. So far, they have all been doing really well and its been really exciting watching new plants come up and see them get bigger and taller. I really didn't think I'd ever get so excited about gardening, but its great to see just a little seed go in the dirt and then like a week later you have a plant (in a way its like getting pregnant i guess, but I'm going to stick with the plants for now).

WELL- let me tell you what happened today after church- today was really sunny so i raced into the house to see if anything new had come up and also just to watch all my little greens bask in the sunshine- so, i walk into the computer room and i'm looking at my plants and seeing only TWO trays on the top of my shelf- when in actual fact i have THREE. Then to my horror, I look down and see that one of them was upside down on the floor with dirt EVERYWHERE!!!!!! MY HERBS! LUIS!!!!! That curious brat. Before today he hasn't even looked at them let alone try to touch them. He got in trouble thats for sure. Needless to say I had to spend like a hour trying to salvage all my little guys and put them back in the right spots, and vaccuming. Hopefully they'll still do ok. They don't look nearly as pretty as they did before and lots of the plants look a little sad. I guess we'll see how they do now.

I'll tell you though, i can't wait till it warms up so i can plant them outside!!!


Andrea said...

Ooooh, I'd be mad too.

Welcome to the blogging world Lizann, it can be lots of fun!

Andrea said...

By the way, your link to Erin and Johnathan doesn't work...

Naomi said...

Hey Lizann,

I've been wondering what you and Chris have been up to and am excited to see you join the blogging world. I look forward to reading your blog.
